Hangar Design Group wins the Vinitaly Design podium in the sparkling wine category

The labels designed by Hangar Design Group for Piera 1899 stand out with two awards at the 24th edition of Vinitaly Design International Packaging Competition.
Etichetta d’Oro and Etichetta di Bronzo are the prizes awarded to the Prosecco Doc 075 Carati and Onedis Ribolla Gialla sparkling wines of Piera 1889 winery during the 2020 edition of the annual international packaging design competition organized by Vinitaly. The international jury chose to award two important prizes to the work carried out by Hangar Design Group for the Friulian winery in the context of a rebranding process started in 2019, which led the agency to redesign the entire packaging system, inspired by great formal purity and compositional rigor.
Posted by HDG Venice