The book traces the design evolution of the creative studio HDG, reconstructed in an excursus of 1000 carefully catalogued works and in the introductory essays edited by Francesco Zurlo, Professor of Design at Politecnico di Milano.

Hangar Design Group Compendium
The relationship between design and companies.
In the words of Francesco Zurlo, “the relationship between design and companies must create a system made up of a multiplicity of tools. It often starts with communication and brand identity.
Then it comes to products, retail, co-branding. All the way to the construction of a cultural abacus that projects the strategy not only towards growth, but towards brand evolution”.
The complexity and variety of HDG’s interventions in this field testifies to the strategic value of this relationship, which takes shape in an aesthetic code that is always recognisable and consistent.
“HDG has established itself over the years as a clear ‘strategic design operator’. A company capable of giving shape to the meaning of a brand and making its narrative concrete in all its tangible aspects”.
Francesco Zurlo
Full Professor of Design, School of Design, PoliMI
“Leafing through the sober volume with its canvas cover, the sensation is of an encyclopaedic compendium: objects, graphics, lettering, catalogues, with the common thread of design.”
Corriere della Sera
“HDG is one of the agencies that has worked hardest and best to break the boundaries of design disciplines as we understand them in the Made in Italy area.”